Valencia Noel's profile

Caricature and Cameo Project

The challenge was exploring and documenting the process and the Adobe Creative Cloud workflow for drawing on an iPad using Adobe Illustrator Draw, refining content in the parent application (Adobe Illustrator CC), storing and organizing artwork and documentation screengrabs in the Creative Cloud and Documenting the project here on the Behance Platform. 
Hardware: iPad
Software: Illustrator Draw; Illustrator CC, Photoshop
Platforms: Creative Cloud, Behance

This explores your creative process—idea or theme generation, aesthetic choices, etc. with reasons given for why you made those choices.

This details the methods of production using screengrabs and workflow diagrams to support the explanation.
Step 1 : 
Opening  adobe illustrator draw App. On the left top conner,select the layer icon and then click on the photo layer. There are  few options but  today we used , take a photo.
Step 2:
Take a photo of your subject . if you like it click ok and it will upload to the adobe draw.
Step 3:
Use the photo as your outline .
Step 4:
Go back to the layer icon and click the eye then to the photo layer and the image well be removed so u could see your cameo drawing. Then Edit it a little more.
Step 5: 
Click on the upload icon on the left coner  and select send to illustator cc,  then it will Upload the to adobe illustrator  cc. 
Step 4
Step 6:
Select all (command A). On the top right conner go to objects, path then smiply. This will cancel some of the data point  that are used to smiply the image.
Step 7:
To save  go to file, save as, name the image and save as a PDF.  
Caricature and Cameo Project

Caricature and Cameo Project

exporing a mobile illustration work flow using adobe draw on an iPad as well as creative cloud for file management.
