ChloƩ Gaillard's profile

Political Cartoons

Some of my cartoons published by different platform such as and Balkan Diskurs.Ā 
The Prud'hommes (a jurisdiction judging labor law disputes in France) ruled that calling a hairdresser a "fagget" is not an homophobic act as "many gays work in the hair industry..."
The illusion of media freedom in the Balkans.
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, one in three LGBT people have been victims of violence or extreme discrimination, but only every seventh incident has been reported to the police. (Source: Pink Report ā€“ Annual Report on the State of the Human Rights of LGBT People in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014, Sarajevo Open Center, March 5, 2015).
Vehicle accidents are a major concern in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as drivers speed and drive recklessly. In the last twoĀ months alone, at least three peopleĀ have been killed and many more seriously injured on Sarajevoā€™s streets.
Seized by a complaint from parents, a college of Lithuanian experts deemed "harmful" a book promoting tolerance towards minorities.
The NGO race for funding in the Balkans.Ā 
Political Cartoons

Political Cartoons

Some of my work as a cartoonist for different online publications.


Creative Fields