Razina Allagulova's profile

The corporate identity for a sport club "Eight"

The purpose of this project was to create a corporate identity for a sport club "Eight".
Corporate identity begins with the name. It’s the name that provides a basis for future development of logo and corporate style of the brand.
"As the ship will be named, so it will float", - says the ancient wisdom. Why “8” was the name of our club?
The value and symbolysm of this number is large. “8” is considered a particularly lucky even number in Japan. The image of this character (八) is analogous to an opened fan (“suehirogari"), which, in its turn has a figurative meaning "go to the rise".
In a usual European numerical system, number "eight" is a 90° rotated infinity symbol ("∞"), which stands for "Continuous movement".
Since we want our club and its members to develop successfully, together we’ve chosen a name that is close to the spirit of growth and movement.
In a corporate style, for different elements, not only a European “8” was used, but also Japanese kanji 八. I use both of them in order to include both perceptions of the symbolical value of the number from different cultures.
Logo is a fundamental element of corporate identity, subordinating all the rest. At the end a font-based logo was chosen to represent our sport club. 
Use the following color and font styles
The corporate identity for a sport club "Eight"

The corporate identity for a sport club "Eight"

The corporate identity for a sport club "Eight"
