Aishwarya Carriappa's profile

Touchscape Homes- Brand manual

Touchscape is a home automation company based in Dubai. With 6 partners on board, in 2006, they started out on a mission to change the ways of living - connecting you to your home via a smartphone from any part of the world. Now, they have decided to branch out into real estate as well.

Our brand philosophy is to provide homes with the latest home automation technology and a top-notch customer support. Our homes will come with the most advanced smart technology and will have a support system within each development maintained by Touchscape.

The support system will handle all maintenance and networking responsibilities of the smart home and allow the home owner to have a carefree and relaxed mindset about their homes.

Project Identitiy
Alpha. It is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It also means to lead. It signifies being given a first class mark. It is the first and brightest star in a constellation. All of this boils down to connection, high class and innovation. For us, it means starting something new. Alpha Homes, a project that is a combination of man’s finest designs with architecture, engineering and ever advancing technological systems.  It is a home where smart skills meets simple and structured creativity. A home which takes care of you.

The triangle is a symbol for our first project. It symbolises a force,which for us is the power of technology; and the birth of true wisdom, our new venture. We are forward thinking and at the same time we are open to acceptance. It exemplifies our creativity and our dauntless approach to building future-proof homes. 
Business Cards.
Rubber Stamp.
Concept & Moodboard
Touch refers to the home automation control done by the user via mobile application. A home is embedded with network of things and one can come in contact with it by just a touch even if, one is miles away from his/her home.

Scape refers to landscaping around the villa.

TOUCH + SCAPE = Experiencing a home with a smart controllable systems and enjoying the affluence of green landscape for comfort living.
It’s easy to read and enunciate. It also manifests our approach of being simple and elegant as a brand. The idea of doing things at the touch of a button has been incorporated into  the logo identity.

Colour Palette
Logo Construction
We at Touchscape all work in a structured, clean, efficient way and are always thinking ahead of our time. As an automation company, we like to keep it simple and finished, while developing secure and future-proof technology. We not only use technology, we live it. 

Our logo is a reflection of our personality. It is simple and has clean edges. What we do is provide elegant homes with coherent technology, thus making your life easier; all accessible at the touch of a button. Our logo is a symbol of our straightforwardness and transparency.

Clear Space.
Logo Typeface.
Project Logo Typeface.
Body Copy.
Web Use.
Take a look at the brand guidelines right here:
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Touchscape Homes- Brand manual

Touchscape Homes- Brand manual

Touchscape is a home automation company that has now branched into real estate and provides smart homes with the latest home automation technolog Read More
