This is my practise still life drawing. I used a HB pencil for it.
This is a still life drawings of vegetables. I used water colours pencil and stripes pen (for the shadows). I did this outside of college. This is the main picutre I made out of the pencil still life drawing I did.
This is my Oil Pastel Still Life drawing. I did this outside of college. They are pots and galric. Once I added the oil pastels on, I used white spirit for brushing the oil pastels to make textures. 
This is my Oil Pastel artwork. I did this during an drawing activity in my college and I chose to do still life becuase it was a intresting technique.
This involes glass printing. I took a photo of three lemons. I printed the photo out (from a computer). I put the printed photo on a table and put an A4 ‘glass’ on top of it (the ‘glass’ was actually a sheet of polycarbonate). I used a sharp tool to scratch the glass to make outlines for the background, objects, and the shadows. I painted ink on the glass (colours, which are the same as the objects on the photos). Once I was happy, I printed the glass on to an A3 sized paper.
Still Life


Still Life

These are my still life drawings. I did them outside of college with some help of an artist teacher.
