行为设计/Behavior Design

行为设计/Behavior Design 
人的直觉直接转化为行为 ,人的行为能够转化成什么 ?  产品 。
我们围绕这一主题,提取生活中五个熟悉的场景 ,
赋予我们的理念 ,设计出一系列产品。
让产品具备功能的同时也具备更多“人”的属性 。
The intuitions of huamn can be transformed into behaviors.
And what can behaviour make?  Products.
We focus on this theme and extract five familiar scenes from daily life. 
Then apply our ideas to them and design a serous of products. 
In this case, products are not only functional but also kind to human. 
「 树枝 」蜡笔 「Branch」Crayon
Children like picking up branches and drawing on wall or ground. We draw on ground instinctlly at those time. In this case, branches are used as“pens”.
「 楼梯 」椅子  「 Stairs 」Stool
We are accustomed to sit on stairs while waiting and chatting with friends. Actually, stairs were not designed for sitting, but we can not help to sit on it. People treat it as a stool instinctlly. 
「 墙角 」簸箕 「 Corner 」 Dustpan
Where do we used to sweep dust without dustpan? It must be th corner. This is a “hidden” dustpan on corner of wall, so this is instinct that sweep dust to the corner. 
「 卷纸 」便签 「 Rool 」Notes
We usually write down some words on napkins if we did not find any paper around. However, it is very difficult to write on. In this case, we are inspired from it and made a product which are not only convenience but also can be teared easily in any length you want.
「 门锁 」钥匙  Key Holder 
People are used to put keys on the keyhole of door. Some times it is due to the habit of forgotten, sometimes due to convenient. This product is inspired from human behaviors.
行为设计/Behavior Design

行为设计/Behavior Design

Product Design


Creative Fields