This sculpture project involved repurposing previously existing obects and making them into something new.  I decided to try repurposing fishing weights along with some scrap lead to make "Trapped by a Line".  
The first steps involved making a mold for the skull.  I then used a propylene torch to melt the fishing weights and scrap lead.
To form the ribs, I made a mold where is would cast them as being flat.  My idea was to just bend each "rib" due to the metal being very malleable.
Lastly, I needed a base for my sculture.  I took a recently cut down peice of wood and simulated aging by using a grinding / polishing wheel.  Once completed, I mounted the skull and ribs using nails and wrapped the hooks and fishing line around them. 
Trapped by a Line

Trapped by a Line

"Trapped by a Line" metal sculpture
