Co-founder, Designer, and Front End Developer
Wishlisting is a free universal wish list, gift registry, and comparison shopping service designed to make the gift giving and receiving experience simple and fun. Users enjoy price comparisons, automated price drop alerts, product reviews, and the ability to browse and reserve gifts for friends and family.

Wish lists display items a user is wishing for, items they own, and gifts that have been reserved for them.
Browser extensions allow users to add items from any online store with just a click.
Unique wishes that aren't easily found at an online store (like "A Trip To Italy") can be added manually.
Once an item has been added to a wish list it is available for friends to view, comment on, and reserve as a gift. 
People who are wishing for or already own the item are displayed along with their ratings. 
Gift givers determine when a friend is notified of a gift reservation, while others can see that a gift has been reserved.
"Top Wishlisters" are recognized for being active members of the community.


Co-founder, designer, and front-end developer for Wishlisting.com. Wishlisting is a free universal wish list, gift registry, and comparison shop Read More
