Deer on the Ranch
Mighty Withering
Sun Reflections
Something to Tweet About.

Here, in Idaho, we have the most beautiful scenery. One evening I went out on my Dad's ranch and set out to capture the beauty of it. The submissions here are my work alone from the photography to editing. These photos were taken at The King Mountain Ranch this April.

These images went through much of the same process. I have a T-5 Canon, its a DSLR with a weak sensor. I've found that having a weaker camera has forced me to work even harder when taking pictures and in editing which has made me a better photographer. The photos of the wildlife were taken at a iso at 800, shutter speed of 150 and an aperature of 3.5 with the highest zoom I have, a 150 mm. This made the depth of field narrow, which made a cool effect for the animals. Unfortunately, the images came out a little dark, but under the shooting conditions, its what I had to work with. 

In editing I brought them into photoshop and used the bending image adjustment. then I took them into lightroom and made color corrections and depixilated them. After editing the images for sharpeness and color I used overlays and masks to bring out the detail, hide the pixelation and make the color as vibrant as it was when I shot it. Even a little more so. Finally, I sized the image to the same size and exported them.

The portraits went through the same process, but I was able to raise my aperature high and take my time shooting them. The HDR of the withering tree was great to start out in lightroom then bring into photoshop for final detailing and brightness. These photos were challenging and beautiful additions to my Portfolio. I hope you enjoy them.


Here, in Idaho, we have the most beautiful scenery. One evening I went out on my Dad's ranch and set out to capture the beauty of it. It was a ch Read More


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