M Dean Jones's profile

The "Metro" Series

The "Metro" Series
Shuttling underground.
A short, simple, black & white series of photos of the Washington, DC metro system and its trains.

I have a fascination with architectural elements, especially the brutalist-inspired DC Metro. The sparse and subtle lighting, along with the vast, curving station ceilings provide multiple opportunities to capture wonderful, nearly-abstract compositions.

For these shots, I decided to process them with a high amount of grain to give an even more gritty look to the already bleakly lighted shots. I wanted a somewhat dismal, dystopian look and decided to keep people mostly out of the shots. I have a shoot planned themed around rush hour in DC that will feature people and their transportation. This series is more focused on shapes and composition.

Links to purchase each piece are included with their respective shots.

All photos taken with a handheld iPhone 4. No tripod or monopod used. Processing done in Camera+.

(Lastly, the titles of the last three pieces are kind of an inside joke. Regular riders of Metro will understand.)
The "Metro" Series

The "Metro" Series

A short series of B&W iPhoneography pieces depicting the underground portions of the Washington, DC metro system.
