The strange relics of the Appalachia--July 16, 2016
Wheel bug, resting on my car one night. He was kind enough to pose for a portrait. 
This is Blue, my cat. Feeling Blue. 
Old Railroad pole, marked "D", near the Hocking River, Athens, Ohio.  Another relic of our yesterdays. 
Ford pick-up truck, and a dog. Athens, Ohio. June, 2016
Coffee and Dessert.

Are you feeling it? Itchy, creepy-crawly?
Politics and Pizza. 
An odd human ritual, carving of initials to let the world know that you are in love. It stands in contrast to the ancient rocks below. 

You find the strangest (and coolest) things in the science lab sometimes.
Do I need to say it?
Downtown, Athens, Ohio. March, 2016
Modern relics vs. relics of yesteryears
Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

This is a collection of the odds and ends of everyday life, mostly when I am out and about. Most are taken with my iPhone, unless otherwise speci Read More
