S.V. Divelbiss's profile

Halloween Concert Poster

Final Poster
Color Comp of poster
Scanned sketch with text laid in
About this Project  

I was commissioned to create a poster, to market a Halloween Event. The manager loved the horror comedy "Killer Klowns from Outer Space"  and wanted a poster using that theme, since the event focused on a dark carnival. 

To continue with a vintage carnival feel, I choose to use a Black, Orange, and Red in a Limited palette . When I proposed this color choice at first, I was told that an orange and black color palette seemed too clique for a Halloween event. I assured the client it would look purposeful and not forced, and did a quick color comp on top of the line drawing to get across my idea. The client ended up loving the idea, so we went final with it. From comp to final the text changed to have more a vintage carnival poster feel, while maintaining legibility. 

Final was produced using Adobe Illustrator and printed as large scale posters.

Client: Toots Tavern
Halloween Concert Poster

Halloween Concert Poster

Halloween Concert Poster based on Killer Clowns from Outer Space with limited color palette
