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Total Defense Videos

John Walsh from America's Most Wanted narrates Total Defense's brand video to launch the brand and it's new positioning to a global audience. 

Introducing, "Michael Geekhan", the toughest defender on the grid iron, now teaches businesses how to defend against the toughest offense online.

To further differentiate the new Total Defense brand and capture attention from both consumers and the b2b channel we paired John Walsh and Michael Strahan as cyber cops.   

We extended the campaign to include a series of product videos with performances from our two cyber cops that would make Reggie Hammond and Jack Cates jealous.

Our dynamic duo ease the fears of a paranoid caller by delivering easy to understand benefits of Total Defense Mobile Security. 

Worms, trojans, and spammies are just some of the cyber threats our caller fears, but Walsh and Strahan educate him on how to get Total Defense.

Michael Strahan and Ian Eagle team up to inspire sales reps in the tech channel to get excited about the new Total Defense brand. Watch out Denzel! 
Total Defense Videos

Total Defense Videos

