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Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge Competition

Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge
2012 International Design Ideas Competition
The Transforming Seattle’s 520 Floating Bridge 2012 International Design Ideas Competition is challenging the design and art communities to envision new, innovative reuse strategies for Seattle's 520 floating bridge, which will be decommissioned in 2014. The Competition seeks design proposals which either utilize the bridge in its current state or take the bridge apart and reuse its pontoons. It asks the questions: What is a floating bridge when its function is no longer needed? What can designers do when faced with the design problem of reusing thirty-three floating concrete pontoons?

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Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge Competition

Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge Competition

This project is a part of my final graduate thesis project. My thesis looks at the power of competitions and their ability to work with the topic Read More
