Front cover
Back Cover
Sky Pirates Cover. 2015.

Accomplishment #1: I wrote a book!
Well, at least the first rough draft. I worked on it all through high school, and finally finished it my senior year.

Accomplishment #2: I got it printed!
Not exactly "published" but there are about 50 or so copies of my draft printed and bound in book form floating around the United States (with friends and family, of course). One of the English teachers at my school presented me with the chance to make this happen, and I couldn't believe my luck.

Accomplishment #3: I designed the cover!
Who else better to design the cover than the graphic designer who wrote it?
At this point in time, I was still rather inexperienced with Adobe products and had never taken on a task quite this large, so I spent days watching YouTube tutorials and messing around with the tools until I finally got the hang of it and was able to come up with this beauty!

This entire project has been my baby for so many years since the conception of my first idea for the story till now. I'm still in the editing stage for the story, but once I finally finish, I look forward to designing a new version of the cover with the design skills that I'm building in the meantime!

Stock photo credit goes to: Ali Ries on DevientArt and David Spirks, Rory MacLeod, and martinak15 on Flickr
Sky Pirates Cover

Sky Pirates Cover

Trust me... I'm a writer.
