M&M Property are Newington Green's local estate and letting agency who have great pride in their on-going, amazing reputation. They are a service provider who base themselves on trust and professionalism, and have taken great care to perfect their customers' experience.

At Drew London, I worked on re-branding M&M Property; they had a dated and tired looking brand identity that was disparate with their service offering and their core brand essence. It was in much need of a refresh in order to bring it up-to-date with the ever evolving property market and to create a brand that stood out from their competitors.

A zingy and confident logo that incorporates a human feel has been created that mirrors the passion and care that comes across with every interaction. A continuous duplication of the 'M' doubles up as upward facing arrows that show progression, forward thinking and positive energy, as well as creating a very distinct and stylish pattern for their identity.

Their refreshed and vibrant new brand has been rolled out throughout Newington Green on property boards, marketing material, external signage and all of their stationery.

Work created whilst working at Drew London: www.drewlondon.co.uk

M&M Property

M&M Property

A rebrand for Newington Green's local letting and estate agency, M&M Property.
