In the Mix
College Magazine Redo
Well I was sitting in class and the president of the campus came by with the "newest" thing to hit the college - A magazine. It was poorly designed (Seemed to be something that was thrown together in a day as a last minute ditch effort. I re-designed the whole thing, doubled the pages with the content that I thought would truly matter to the students. I showed my professor and the president. They have to go through the proper chain of command, but I am very proud of the work that I produced. The images that are in the magazine I found in the magazine itself (scanned in - that is why the quality is poor on some, and on morgue file.) I was not so much worried about the pictures as the layout and content. I wanted to show the college how it should be set up if they wanted to represent the school in a good light. It was going to double as a tool to recruit new students (and with graphic and web design being 2 degrees that the school offers (Associates and Bachelors) , I thought that something had to be done. The gallery pages and back cover page is not up to par with the flow of the rest of the magazine, but I have fixed though (just did not take pictures of them yet).

I am always open to suggestions from people who have been in the industry longer and if you are interested in my work, let me know. Would love to hear from you.
College Magazine

College Magazine

Redo of current school magazine - improved layout (blew away a print designer that has been in the industry for 20 + years) and doubled content.
