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A book that won't change your life

A book that will not change your life (Un libro che non ti cambierà la vita) is a project built in two volumes. 

The written part, the Diary, is a travel log and so much more. It conveys the field research, and acts as a sincere paper confidant. The diary guided me through the creation of the concrete object, the Illustrated Book. Containing a sequence of tacit thoughts, recovered and re-discovered here and there, to be eventually translated into images on these solid pages. 
Ultimately, the book is a collection of synthesised sensations. 

The sentences, gestures and situations depicted exist in everyday Italian life, and that’s why they often go unnoticed. They are indeed little useless things, but that’s where the meaning of this book really lies. It’s a humble mission: finding use in uselessness.

The Illustrated Book
The Diary
A book that won't change your life


A book that won't change your life

It's an illustration and photography book about useless gestures or sayings.
