Blow the Exit is a serious game concept based on vocabulary and the creation of words.

The actual government muzzle the population by slowly making disapear every non-compliant word. Which results in a loss of language.
Like in the movie 1984, you, revolutionary, have access to more vocabulary as others around you. It is your duty to spread the words all over to allow the citizen to re-develop their own personnality !
Level top view
• Connect the letters from the environnement together to compose words.
• Once a word is built, it will explose in a burst of flames.
But be carefull, don't blow up too many civilian pieces !
That is a nice "Mario" !
Level Difficulty Calculation
Blow the Exit

Blow the Exit

Game Concept (serious game) for mobile Android, using the gyroscope. Gone are the crosswords, enrich your vocabulary and succeed the levels !


Creative Fields