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Defacing "The Sixties in Pictures" vs. Coloring Book

Track 1: All We Got | 1964
The Beatles attracted immense crowds whose enthusiasm often crossed the border into hysteria. Never one to miss an opportunity to move from cheek to bad taste, Lennon once joked that they were "more popular than Jesus". Pictured is a still from 'A Hard Day's Night' directed by Richard Lester: (left to right) Paul, George, Ringo, and John.

Track 2: No Problem | 1967
When Ernesto Che Guevara was captured it was a blow to the cause of revolution throughout Central and South America. For Fidel Castro it was also a personal blow, the loss of a friend and companion. Pictured, Castro holds up a photograph shows members and the General of the Bolivian Army Command celebrating the death of Guevara.
Track 3: Summer Friends | 1966
James Meredith, a reluctant hero from the campaign to integrate "Ol' Miss", began the March Against Fear, on his own, from Memphis, Tennessee to Jackson, Mississippi in June 1966. His objective was to encourage African Americans to register and vote, but at the very beginning, he was hit by a shotgun blast. Others marched for him including Floyd B McKissick, Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmichael.
Track 4: D.R.A.M. Sings Special | 1964
The New York World's fair was billed as the Space Age Fair, a Universal and International exposition with the theme of "Peace Through International Understanding". It occupied almost a square mile and attracted 51 million visitors. Pictured is its centerpiece, the giant stainless steel Unisphere.
Track 5: Blessings | 1962
Pope John XXIII sits on the Papal Throne beneath the Bernini During the opening ceremony for The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.
Track 6: Same Drugs | 1964
The nearest rivals to The Beatles were the raunchier Rolling Stones. Pictured are The Stones in Hanover Square, London: (left to right) Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Brian Jones, and Charlie Watts.
Track 7: Mixtape | 1966
Raquel Welch at the Cannes Film Festival.
Track 8: Angels | 1966
On November 4th the River Arno burst its bank, flooding the city of Florence, killing 100 people, and damaging buildings and works of art. Pictured is one of the hundreds of damaged paintings being carried through the flooded streets.
Track 9: Juke Jam | 1964
Almost at the crest of the wave, The Beatles invade the States early in 1964. The foursome boarded their flight from London Heathrow on February 7th and forty-eight hours later appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in New York. Another day in the life....pictured are The Beatles at the Washington Coliseum on February 13th.
Track 10: All Night | 1969
A tremendous triumph for the country, the Russians had been overtaken in the space race. The Stars and Stripes had been the first flag to fly on the Moon. The astronauts received a suitable hero's welcome at their Ticker-Tape Parade (pictured) in New York City on August 21st.
Track 11: How Great | 1962
After The Algerian War of Independence reached its bloody climax, fighting in Algeria ended with secret peace talks at Evian-les-Bains in March. Members of de Gaulle's government and representatives of the provisional government of Algeria, led by Ben Bella, agreed a ceasefire and to hold a referendum on independence. The referendum received massive support in both France and Algeria. Pictured, Algerian women queue to vote in the referendum on July 3rd.
Track 12: Smoke Break | 1961
Backed by the US and masterminded by the CIA, an army of mercenaries and Cuban exiles attempted an invasion of Cuba on April 14th. The resulting shambles became known as the Bay of Pigs invasion. Some 1,170 prisoners taken during the invasion are tried at an open-air military court in Havana. Pictured is Fidel Castro at a press conference following ransom negotiations for the prisoners in exchange for $53 million in medical supplies.
Track 13: Finish Line/Drown | 1960
The Rome Olympics were hailed as the biggest and best ever, although they were also the first at which the problem of drugs was identified. Pictured, the German sprinter Armin Harry gets off to a flying start in the Men's 100 Meters on September 1st.
Track 14: Blessings | 1962
The aforementioned Second Vatican Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church opened in St. Peter's in October. It was convened by Pope John XXIII with the objective of moving forward and adapting to modern conditions.
Defacing "The Sixties in Pictures" vs. Coloring Book

Defacing "The Sixties in Pictures" vs. Coloring Book

Throughout the last six months I have been working on a project displaying modern culture in conjunction with images and history of the sixties. Read More
