Game-based Rehabilitation Exoskeleton  

The idea mainly revolves around starting a company which makes (rehabilitative / assistive) * exoskeletons * (Stands for external skeletons), starting with an exoskeleton limb as our graduation project to help the disabled recover from the after effects of a "Stroke", that caused damage and rendered a limb unable to move partially or completely. As we feel obliged to do something to serve such a need.
we want to achieve a combination of “effective & fun” therapy, so the idea is to use exoskeleton and games based rehabilitation
The games and level of assistance will be developed based on Physiotherapist recommendations (Varies according to the patient’s condition). Instead of performing boring exercises for rehabilitation, games based rehabilitation will be used.


* exoskeletons * (Stands for external skeletons), starting with an exoskeleton limb as our graduation project to help the disabled recover from t Read More
