An example of some material I've produced for B&Q
Double sided business cards created to give out to customers in Widnes. Targeting customers converging to the St. Helens store, giving customers a simple point of contact and directions to the store.
Simple poster for the newly highlighted Baxi range. Going into peak on boilers it was important to promote our boiler range on the shop floor, this poser helped with that.
Decor manager wanted a POS that highlight best selling and top 100 lines, Chris the area manager loved it and wanted it implanted across the store. This was made a few months before head office sent down their own versions of best seller POS. The paint effect was created by me and not the one used by B&Q. It is also a template that anyone could easily edit, including a barcode generator. 
B&Q launched its new 'Great Price, Great Advice' campaign, Emma the store manager wanted a simple poster that staff would see when clocking in. Portraying the message simply and clearly.
St. Helens was one of the first stores to launch the new concept Fireshop. A section of the store that was terribly outdated, fires were a key area of profitability that could be capitalised on. After a bit of research I discovered that when making a large purchase, customers find comfort in other buyers opinions; a proportion of fires stocked are over £500, especially the Opti-Myst Dimplex range. I created these shelf edge labels that promoted the product and gave a real opinion from, on the right hand side is also its overall rating. So far they have been well received.  
Same as above but for some of the Focalpoint range. The idea has received good feedback and other departments in the store have come to me with material they want promoting.
The Decor manager felt the RTG bathrooms were not getting as much traction as they should. I created these two large banners (4X2') that would be displayed in high traffic areas. I always feel simple is best and these fit that message. Importantly they both fit in with the continuity of B&Q current branding.
When the Widnes store closeed about 15 of their staff came over to work in the St. Helens branch, although nothing special this simple message served as a warm welcome to their new home. Making the transition a little easier for them in a difficult time.
Although the closure of the Widnes store was a sad time, it was important to capture the transference of those customers. We had some staff from St. Helens working in Widnes to speak to customers and showcase what St. Helens can offer, I created this portfolio that could easily demonstrate the different benefits of KBBI in our store.
Same as above but for the Trade customers, this was used in conjunction with the business cards. Widnes was a key area for Tracepoint St. Helens, it was viewed as an opportunity to take us from a £90K a week store to over £100k. The early reports are good and I believed the portfolios were a key help with the convergence of customers from Widnes.
In my first couple of weeks in St. Helens I was approached to make a video that showed off the departments and staff across the store. It was shown at the business update meeting and was a warm reminder of the good work and a thank you to the staff.
Edited together some of the Kitchen videos found on Youtube, including the new ad campaign. It is played on the TV at showrooms and just adds to the atmosphere for the customers.
B&Q Marketing

B&Q Marketing

Some of the work I've created for B&Q St. Helens.
