Like most designers and artists, I had always wanted to create my own brand. So way back in 2007, I decided to freelance full-time and started a “company” called Infinite ZZZ. 

The name means endless dreaming and limitless possibilities. I designed the identity, icons, collages, a spiffy flash-based website (remember those?), and a boatload of promotional materials including a pocket sketchbook, postcards, envelopes, t-shirts, hats and stickers. 

The “brand” didn’t go very far, lasting for about 4 years, but I still dig what I made. It was a personal, artsy and expressive form of design that evolved over a few years, and I hope a few folks like it too, and find a bit of inspiration. 
Infinite ZZZ

Infinite ZZZ

Art, Branding, Identity and Promotional design for Infinite ZZZ, my freelance company.
