Image 7/transport/water/landscape
Aperture: F5.3
Shutter Speed:1/60
I had to pick these settings for the low light conditions of the clouds blocking the sun out, but I also wanted to have a slight shallow depth of field behind the 2 boats. So as I was walking along the path towards the long path that walks around this entire lake I came across these 2 boats and had to snap a shot at them, the reason for this is because I loved the straight line leading to the boats as it spreads out, so I framed the shot up to show this exact thing, and I think it worked out rather well for me, and by making a shallow depth of field behind the boats it makes it clear that you're meant to focus on the boats and not the background but I made sure to capture the sky's moody mood to the whole picture to make the boats seems more lonely and scary for the person looking at the picture 
Image 7

Image 7

Image 7 Lonely boats


Creative Fields