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Official Art Auction With Crackle Benefiting MOVEMBER

Crackle & The Poster Posse Launch An Art Auction To Benefit The Movember Foundation
The Poster Posse collaborated with Crackle on an art auction with the proceeds are going to a great charity.  To celebrate the November 16th premier of season 2 for Crackle’s “The Art Of More,” The Poster Posse created ten unique takes on some of the most well-known masterpieces in art history.  These new modern masterpieces are being auctioned off HERE  and the proceeds are going to Movember to support men’s health.
Each piece is a ONE of ONE original.
Venus di Moderno” –By Robert Bruno (Brooklyn, NY)- based on “Venus de Milo” by Alexandros of Antioch, 101BC

The Philosopher’s Throne” –By John Aslarona (Queens, NY)- based on “The Thinker” by Rodin, 1902
“The Three White Dukes” –By Matt Needle (Cardiff, Wales)- based on The Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso, 1921
“Girl with the Ceramic Earring” –By Tracie Ching (Washington, D.C.)- based on “Girl with the Pearl Earring” by Vermeer, 1665

“La Preciosa” –By Orlando Arocena (Bronx, NY)- based on The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, 1504
“One Last Game” –By Salvador Anguiano (Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico)- based on “The Card Players” by Paul Cezanne, 1895
“The Big Scream” –By Mike Mahle (Morton, IL)- based on “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, 1893
“Harvest Moon” –By Daniel Nash (Bedfordshire, England)- based on “The Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh, 1889
“Triple Abduction” –By Maria Suarez-Inclan (London, England)- based on “The Three Dancers in Exercise Hall” by Degas, 1880
“Luncheon of the Molting Party” –By Berkay Daglar (Istanbul, Turkey)- based on “Luncheon of the Boating Party” by Renoir, 1881
Official Art Auction With Crackle Benefiting MOVEMBER