Why buy a bluetooth controller when our smartphone are capable of controlling the laptop remotely?
In Colloboration with Chuan QIN, we designed an application that could connect your iPhone to your macbook via bluetooth, enabling most remote controlling. In daily life, we see many inconveniences when our fellow students give a presentation, or when me and my roommates watch a video during dinner. From time to time, we have to approach to computer to control it. Some presenters, choose to buy a bluetooth controller to control their presentation slides at the expense of dozens of Europe.
So, we thought, the Iphone has so many sensors, why don't we utilize them?
After looking into the Swift language and some of the bluetooth features avaiable, we decided to build this application with CoreBluetooth.
The result is significant. With two applications on macbook and iphone respectively, they could establish a protocol to let Iphone controlling some of the essential functions.
They are three modes essentially:
1. Presentation Mode, allowing users to switch between slides.
2. Video Mode, allowing users to change volume, maximize or minimize the window, forward or backward the video.
3. Pointer Mode, allowing users to move the cursor, left click or right click, pan, and zoom.
Everything is covered in the Video, Please enjoy.


A motion controller in your pocket
