Martha Hufham's profile

#oneoff Mountain Biking

In working with the 3D effects, I wanted to explore the options using images from my daughter who is an amazing MTB. 
Exploring the Placing 3D in a Photo (Kelby Down and Dirty), I wanted to take one of her hashtags #oneoff and use it with one of her bike images.  The tag associates not only with her bike - which is non-standard and a "oneoff" item -  but also her progress and positioning in the local MTB community.
I grabbed two pictures she had.  The first - of her entire bike - was going to be my base image. The second - a view of the bike from the top over the handlebars - I might use in a different treament but it shows the handlebars better and I wanted to use the green color from her grips as the base for the text.
First, I kept the entire picture deliberately to show the entire bike and backdrop. hen I went to open Levels, set the black point. Couldn't tell much difference.
Adding type #oneoff - used green color and ended up with Buxton Sketch to invoke the feeling of someone marking up her picture. 177px set to the bottom right corner to show up but not obscure the bike and background. Kept spacing as is.
Went to 3D - New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer with the text layer. Kept shadows as is. Went to Properties Coordinate and used 2 degrees on Z angle setting to achieve slight tilt but not enough to distract. Extrusion depth set to 1. 
Grabbed background layer and took it to 3D layer - IBL - new texture - ok. Much better - less cartoon.
Shine 40 - Reflection and Roughness 50
Extrusion panel: Roughness at 50
Tried working with the shading to test different colors along the sides and hated all of them. Reverted back to default.
Did some adjustments after selecting Split Extrusion. Originally I didn't care for changing each letter but I felt it added to the image that this was hand drawn. Adjusted the #, the "one" section and the "off" section to line up differently. Lights: Softness to 20%. Kept Light the same. Rendered.
Looked at it again - didn't like the dramatic change - I felt like I had switched it up more noticably just to show I had.  Went back in - changed the "off" section to fall more along the same lines as the "one" part. Re-rendered.
I think with different options I might try and add more of a texture to the wording to tie in with the woods and outdoors.

Staying on the theme of taking some of my daughter images and seeing how I might adapt them to various 3D techniques, I took a photo image of the handlebars on her racing bike and brought it in to create a background texture that had more of specific focus.
I already had the #ONEOFF text ready so I opened the photo image and started putting it through the filter gallery.
Settings: Artistic, Colored pencil, pencil width 7 stroke pressure 10 paper brightness 20
Selected New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer
Extrusion depth: 7
Set layer opacity to 86%
Text layer:
3D Extrusion: Create
Removed Shadows
Properties: Extrusion depth 300 px
Cap: Angle 50 degrees, Strength 17%
Shape preset: Bevel with Contour
I tried to merge the layers and lost the text.  In trying to recover, the program froze and I am restarting the file. Redid the text layer options.
Back with the text - I moved the perspective closer and started working with the rotation tool/roll/movement tools to orient the text across the background image. Then I did the same with the background to reorient and tilt forward as if over the handlebars.
Deliberately twisted the background to show slight edges around 3 sides.
New layer - Fill - purple.
#oneoff Mountain Biking

#oneoff Mountain Biking

In working with the 3D effects, I wanted to explore the options using images from my daughter who is an amazing MTB. Exploring the Placing 3D i Read More
