Dream Entry:

I am in a warehouse that stretches infinitely into the distance with many people inside. We all have scripts in our hands but only a few people get to read from it and I am one of these people. When it is time to read my few lines, the words on the page are worn off and I am trying to find a new script. After we read this story aloud for a while, we all realize at the same time that the characters in this play are going to go through a rite of passage. This change involves the emergence of quill like spires that will protrude from the skin and eventually fall off. Each of us have our own variety of quill which differ in shape, density, and lengths. They appear and last a different amount of time for each person. I walk around a gym, field, and a forest watching others go through this change before it happens to me. I see women wrapped in fabric to hide the quills, some with family by their side helping them cover up. I notice that I am wearing fabric as well, but mine is white and sheer. I see a man with his shoulder and part of his face sprouting quills. The parts that were changing seemed to rot his flesh and the quills were growing their own quills and so on. However, he seemed to be ignoring it. A girl sits against the wall in fear rocking back and forth waiting anxiously for her change to come. When my time finally arrives, it happens fast while I am walking. Quills emerge from my skin three times and fall to the floor very quickly. Now I can go around and help the others.


Self-portraits from the Lucid Series by, Jenna Lee Mason
