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Brand Identity / Logo Design for Luxury Upholstery

Luxury Upholstery is a small shop that puts out amazing work. How do you capture the essence of a brand through a logo and convey with a custom mark and fonts the core attributes? What is the magic combination of colors, fonts and images that will work together “just so” - to tell the story you wish to tell?

The first step AdJourney takes, is to have a clear sense of the brand by asking leading questions to draw from the leadership - what the brand is all about. I did this with Luxury Upholstery by engaging with the proprietor - Alex Sanchez. After working through the story, I chose colors, fonts and emblems that matched the themes that were meaningful to Alex and his brand. 

I submitted multiple options for consideration, before one was chosen to be THE design. Each option touched onto the elements true to the heart and ideals of Luxury Upholstery as expressed by Alex Sanchez. We presented the 5 initial concepts shown below...
The one Alex felt fit him best involved a vintage VW truck - a project he is restoring. 

Why the truck? It's unique and full of personality. Definitely not something you see every day. It harkens to classic appeal, utilitarian and functional design, and elegant lines that would look exceptional pulling up to the nicest homes with a delivery of another fine example of quality craftsmanship (a couch, a settee, a dining room full of re-upholstered chairs….) But whatever he delivers, it will be good and it will be memorable.
The truck spoke to Alex. It was a bold move – but the right one. The next was to embed the logo into material that would work best for him. Most of his audience is looking for solutions in household items for seating, but there is also automotive, boat, and RV re-upholstery as well.
Having t-shirts printed with the logo on the back blew up his phone and put months worth of work on the books for Luxury Upholstery. Everyone loved the shirts in practical neutral gray with a vintage flair and cool image. This branding worked exceptionally well for his upholstery business. A clean logo presented well in clearly visual space, provided a ready solution to those in search for his services.
We also created a clean, uncluttered business card with just 2 colors implemented against a white base. The 2-sided card has the logo on both sides and contact details on one side.
Brand Identity / Logo Design for Luxury Upholstery


Brand Identity / Logo Design for Luxury Upholstery

Luxury Upholstery is based in Aberdeen, NC. Owned and operated by Alex Sanchez. I wanted a logo design that carried the weight of class, distinct Read More
