Danone Oykos
Dragon Rouge were asked by Danone to design the packaging for Oykos (American Oikos) ready for the yogurt to be launched in the UK market. When translated, 'Oikos' means 'the love that you feel for your family'. I took this and decided to communicate love by using the fruit to make a heart. After several rounds of amends, (including a change to the spelling) this was the final outcome.
Initial sketches, looking at using the fruit as heart shapes, or possibly the spoons as a family to get the meaning of the name 'oikos' across.
Quick mock up of ideas for first crit.
 Early stages, trying out different layouts as Danone asked for the 'Oikos' to be a large as possible.
Danone Oykos

Danone Oykos

Branded packaging for Oykos Danone.
