Yu Shuo Chang's profile

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Main Aim
- Redesign the submarine to reduce overall weight and consolidate the electronics into one enclosure.
- Improve waterproofing and wire management.
Design Challenge
Main Body Redesign
- One of the major problems with the UUV from last year was that the submarine was only able to move in all direction when it is in the inflatable kiddie pool. 
- To increase its mobility, the team decided to completely reconstruct the main body of the sub, replace the circular tubes that enclose the electronics with waterproof plastic box, and reduce the amount of aluminum beam used on the submarine.
- The new main body design not only reduces the overall weight of the submarine and giving it a higher buoyant force, but also allows easier access to all the electronic components.
Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
