To design a 12 – 16 page book on the topic of your choice.

This book will be called A Guide to Natural Dye. The target audience are females particularly between the ages of 35 – 45. People interested in this book will be crafty creative people who are always looking to lean new craft skills. They are eco-conscious in all aspects of life and enjoy working with natural materials in their crafts. This book will be aimed towards people who are completely new to natural dye. Therefore the purpose of this book is to teach people the basic of natural dye in a clear and simple way. The book will be distributed and sold in stores particularity art and craft stores such as Hands Ashford, The Make Company, The Drawing Room and Minerva Textile Books and Gallery. This book will bring across the message of celebrating hand craft traditional skills. That we should be going back and learning from the past to create a more sustainable lifestyle.

Book Design

Book Design

I created the illustrations and wrote the text for the book. Project completed in 2016 for educational purposes. Cover inspired by: https://nz.pi Read More
