beth hayes's profile

Project pitch :: Healthcare Education

Healthcare 101
Project Pitch
Based on some research that was done internally we discovered that our clients were frequently getting confused or tripped up over the same things (when using their healthcare). We proposed adding an educational section to the site that would help people get the most out of their insurance plan. Our goal was to get people to  make educated decisions, let them know about common mistakes, warning signs, money savers and basic insurance information.

A presentation and pitch was created that talked about the common snags people were running into, content ideas (based on that and the major learning styles) and a UX that would help people navigate this information.

A project document was also created (as a living breathing document) so when team members come on and off the project people can easily get back up to speed, at the place they left off (read: project stop and start inevitable). Included in this document as it grows will be: known issues, to do lists, IA, as well as look and feel specs for text, design, video and code.

View presentation via Google Drive >
The initial Project Direction document >
Project pitch :: Healthcare Education

Project pitch :: Healthcare Education

a pitch for a new project
