Well, I have to call it something!
Ideas just seem to sit in the depths of one's mind, waiting to get born. They can have one, or many, parents; but they lurk there until they get born. These all gestated in the folds of my brain until they could no longer be contained.

Out they came, here they are.

Be assured that there are plenty more growing in there, some of them may be just right for you! Lets talk, lets give birth to some great images...
Ideas struggling to get born; these guys couldn't wait, so out they came.
Plenty more waiting for you...
We can pull those ideas out of the many strata of consciousness - for YOUR purpose!
Ideas zooming out of the Idea Canopy. What else is lurking in there - your concept?
Those ideas come from lots of different places - sometimes music. This one is BLUE MOON. What tunes are in your head waiting to burst forth into song?
A season for all ideas - swallows fly to Capistrano, geese go south. Where are your ideas off to? I can help you fly them right into your space!
Ideas can be ferocious! The right image can tame the most fearsome concept -
do call me to tame that bad boy!
Working hard on that concept-driven image just for you!
Nine is injured and slain by the Sevens!
The All-Seeing eye from Novus Ordo Seclorum disintegrates a Ruble!
R Having Carnal Knowledge Of Q - In Public!
R Having Carnal Knowledge - In Public!


Digital illustration for editorial use.
