Jack Baker's profile

Project: Mythical

In the second year, I had a branding class. For the project that I had to design and develop two logo concepts which also included an ad campaign. One was for; a mythical animal and the other was for a local town. Both were complex to me as I was a web designer pushed into a pure graphics class.
Bare with me here... I was not given an option for what I was designing for and the concept was for a product that didn't exists. Everybody in the class had to pull a piece of paper from a hat, on the paper was the animal or mythical creature that you would be marketing and branding. Sounds simple but these were animals with complexity.

I was given; Regenerating Pig.

I choose to go down the hand drawn route as I prefer those kinds of designs, so I started drawing in my sketchbook, later I decided to work with my friends as we built a small team each solving each others problems. It was here that our concepts were developed.  
We used a lot of whiteboards to figure our concepts for our adverts.
Logo Conception
Following my in-depth research into how my favourite brands developed their logos, I decided to follow suit. I wanted to create a logo that was transferable, meaning that I wanted a logo that anyone could draw from memory. Later the name was changed to Legless to relate to the product more. This is my final ​​​​​​​piece;   
Ad Concepts
Think of this, a pig that regenerates... a concept that either belongs in a horror film or a sci-fi. So I thought about it and looked around my home to find what there was an abundance of; Wood. 

I found that almost every home is built with wood, and it is in, almost all items we use including doorstops, the door, even books. So then I thought why is this the case. Well, wood comes from trees and there are always trees around for us to use. So my mind turned to the idea that meat would likely be used in the same way wood is. 

My adverts are showing what would happen if there was an infinite amount of meat. we would not just eat it we would use it to build things or even as the doorstop's. Remember that this concept is so... different because it was mythical, to begin with, and so needed a mythical response.  
The Meat Ornament
The Meat Doorstop
The Meat Book Weight
I created similar logos for three other animals including; cows, chickens, and sheep.
I admit that this project is completely mad. However, it allowed me to develop my concepts for a bad hand drawing to a core concept that can still be further improved. I was given a high 2:1 for this project but the town side pulled my grade down.
Project: Mythical

Project: Mythical

Mad project about infinity meat.
