Kristen Cork's profile

Campaign Against Distracted Driving

Campaign Against Distracted Driving
Mixed media campaign
Winner of district 4 gold ADDY.
Distracted driving is a growing issue in the United States—killing thousands annually—but is widely unacknowledged as a real threat, particularly in the case of texting and driving.

The objective of the ad was to create awareness of the issue and get people to stop distracted driving.

The design solution was to tie distracted driving to the already well-publicized campaigns against drunk driving and alcoholism, causing the viewer to make mental connections between the related issues and create a lasting memory of the hazard. This concept was supported by bold graphics and traffic-imagery in magazine ads, environmental displays, and flash banners on popular sites.

Flash banner.
Outdoor ads would be displayed near parking garages
and parking lots in high-traffic areas.

Each ad alludes to a different popular cellphone design/make.
The ads intend to "jump out" of print magazines with their arresting aesthetic.
Flash banners would be shown on target-relevant sites, such as Pandora and Spotify.
 Flash banner overview.
Campaign Against Distracted Driving

Campaign Against Distracted Driving

Ad campaign against distracted driving that uses visual metaphors to drive message home.
