Brigitta Beres's profile

ORGAN TRANSPLANT – poster design


Poster design for the topic of organ transplantation. On the posters I focused on the blood types within an ABO blood group system. For organ transplantation, the donor must have the same blood type as the recipient to donate their organ. Giving someone blood or organs from the wrong ABO group could be life-threatening. I played with the typography to suggest transplantation. The thickness of the typeface, from light to extra bold is assigned to the A, B, 0, AB blood types. The letter characters can donate their parts to the right blood type. The letters adjust and accept the new section to eventually regain their form, they also refer to the difficulties of being with or without their missing parts. I made a few poster variations for the same concept.
/blood types and donation ability: A: light, AB: regular, B: bold, 0: extra bold, A 0→A→A AB; B 0→B→B AB; A B AB 0→AB→AB; 0→0→A B AB 0/

TYPE – competition work
CATEGORY – poster design, print
YEAR – 2014
ORGAN TRANSPLANT – poster design

ORGAN TRANSPLANT – poster design

ORGAN TRANSPLANT — poster design Poster design for the topic of organ transplantation. On the posters I focused on the blood types within an ABO Read More
