Print Design
A calender, a DVD cover, a poster. 
Creating graphics on my PC for print, allows me to have the final product in my hands... who would not love that!? 
Large poster sized calendar for print.
The image is a view of the front page and the month of January.
Private project, 2010.
Template of DVD cover for “35 mm small film”.
A anniversary present, where the old 35 mm small film was transformed into DVD.
Created with Photoshop.
Private project, 2011.
Poster for Welcome Lounge Event
Designed for Uddannelsesby Herning
Poster for an event in Vildbjerg, Denmark. 
The photografy is not one of mine, but is provided by the customer. 
Freelance, 2013
Poster for Liv i Vildbjerg. 
Photography not mine. 
Created as a humours card for fellow ICM students during the exam period, to create a good study environment.
ICM, 2011
Compliment Generator. Print. Hung at the University, in order to share a smile and good vibrations.
Print for the "Corporate Communication Compendium" for ICM 
Print Design

Print Design

A mixture of print design
