Chris Stringer's profile

"We Didn't Start The Fire" hand-inked illustration.

"We Didn't Start The Fire"
Hand-inked with a dip-pen and Indian ink, 2012. 
So.. I love dinosaurs. This is basically a Mickey Mouse-greaser-dinosaur-satanist-tattooed dude. Can't quite remember where the idea came from, I just know I wanted to do it. I started by getting a image of Mickey and an image of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull. I created a mock-up of the body with the skull and printed it out. After that I drew over it/stylised it with the jacket, knuckle duster and tattoos, before tracing and colouring it in. The next thing was to resize and print ready for A3 ink-age. Once that was done, I just had to sit down with my dip-pen and lightbox and crack on!
One of the "testers".
Another "tester" that didn't make it!
Available at my online store HERE.
"We Didn't Start The Fire" hand-inked illustration.

"We Didn't Start The Fire" hand-inked illustration.

A3 poster with hand-inked illustration "We Didn't Start The Fire". Black Indian ink and silver metallic ink.
