Capture the Flag

Target Market
Mid to Hardcore
Watch action adventure movies
Plays games such as Uncharted, Tomb Raider and Gears of War



Play Length
10-15 min (3 flags captured)

Level Design Analysis
Beat 01
The map was developed to support the three different weapons UDK has: Sniper, Rocket Launcher and Machine Gun, as well as its different play-styles, stealth, sniper/protector and the front line, heavy gunner.

Design Intention
Create a fluid experience combining all these elements.

Key Gameplay
Shooting, jumping, picking-up weapons, capture the flag, capture outpost.

Beat 02
Main paths are connected, allowing players to quickly change play-styles if they see fit. Paths also help to create more dynamic encounters as players take different approaches towards the enemy base.

Design Intention
Make a dynamic map by creating connecting paths through the main routes.

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Beat 03
In the middle of the map there is a post that can be captured. To capture it the player has to activate and defend it for 5 seconds. If so, the post is now in favor of their team, meaning it will only open its doors to the friendly team. The enemy team can capture it by destroying the doors and invading it.

Design Intention
Add a secondary objective to the map. Having the outpost to your team creates a huge advantage because it provides a shorter
path to the enemy’s flag/back to your base and because the post itself holds weapon pickups and health regeneration.

Technical Intention
Create a capturable post through kismet. This post has different instances, neutral, being captured and captured, and each of these instances behaviors accordingly to the design intended.

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Medieval Village

Medieval Village
