Bethlehem Behailu's profile

Cameo and Caricature Workflow Project

Caricature and Cameo Project

The challenge was exploring and documenting the process and the Adobe Creative Cloud workflow for drawing on an iPad using Adobe Illustrator Draw, refining content in the parent application (Adobe Illustrator CC), storing and organizing artwork and documentation screengrabs in the Creative Cloud and Documenting the project here on the Behance Platform.

Hardware: iPad
Software: Illustrator Draw; Illustrator CC, Photoshop
Platforms: Creative Cloud, Behance

The first step for this project was choosing my subject. I chose Sanjay because I really liked his outfit that day, and he has dominate features that would be fun to draw. I wanted to focus on his hair, noes, and smile for my character. For the cameo I made sure to add in key features like his bold hair and nose ring to make him easily identified. For the caricature I made sure to showcase his bold personality, while making it fun and playful, like him.

First i took a profile picture of the lovely Sanjay

Second, i added his image to adobe draw, lowered the opacity of the image, and began to sketch out his profile on a sketch layer. I made sure to add as much details as possible, using different brush strokes for his hair, and facial features to show movement and create depth.
After i finished sketching his profile, i added an oval around his shape by using the oval shape tool in conjunction with my stylist to trace around it. When i got the desired thickness, I took away his image layer...
And created this! i added some small details, and simplified some of the lines by sending the work to the illustrator application and finishing off the piece to get this final composition. I think it turned out nicely and looks like the real Sanjay. 
For the caricature i followed the exact same steps as creating the cameo. I first began taking the images for my sketch
Second, i began to piece together how i wanted the caricature to look. Sanjay has a bold personality and i wanted to showcase that with movement. 
Just like the Cameo, i sketched out his body, using different strokes for depth and movement. 
I then began adding colour, and filling in any details i felt were lost(image on the left) until i was satisfied. I added some purple lipstick for flair and a disco ball because Sanjay loves to dance(image on the right) 
Overall i thought this assignment was really fun and was my first time using an ipad to draw and create a drawing like i did. I love learning new ways to build and work on my craft. Using the iPad and learning about applications like adobe draw and sketch really helped me out with this process and i will definitely be using these applications in the future.
Cameo and Caricature Workflow Project

Cameo and Caricature Workflow Project
