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What’s Killing You? Top 5 Men’s Health Diseases

Scheduling a doctor’s appointment for a man is as hard as giving a cat a bath! Men will only visit a doctor when they’re plagued with a serious condition. This reactive approach to health care can be dire and it can put your health at risk.

For most men, health is usually on the back burner until it’s too late. The top five men’s diseases that today are the same as in yesteryears. Many of these diseases are causes poor lifestyle habits — the “live hard, work hard mentality”.

Good news! These diseases are preventible. By implementing healthy lifestyle choices will minimize your risks of developing: cardiovascular disease, cancer of the lung, colon and prostate and diabetes.

What’s Killing You? Top 5 Men’s Health Diseases

What’s Killing You? Top 5 Men’s Health Diseases

Blog Written for Vitarock - Men's Health & The Top Five Diseases Killing Men
