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Simply Sweet Potatoes Ad

I chose to go with Simply Potatoes for this assignment. After brainstorming a bit, I finally came up with what I feel is such a cool idea for a Leap Day promotion. When we think of a potato, we think of the standard, brown Idaho style potato, right? Well, maybe we should give more love to the more health alternative, the sweet potato! Even if we substitute the regular potato with the sweet potato just one meal per month, we’re doing our health some good, so I decided to take advantage of the extra day in February. I placed 28 regular potatoes on top of the wooden background, then for the 29th day, I placed the sweet potato there to represent it. Since the company has a sweet potato product, “Mashed Sweet Potatoes,” I thought that it would be good to incorporate it into the promotional graphic. The design colors and style are consistent with the company’s products and web site.
Simply Sweet Potatoes Ad

Simply Sweet Potatoes Ad
