Villa Capra "La Rotonda", Andrea Palladio, 1592
Arts University Bournemouth, solo project, 2007
Lime wood, walnut and cherry veneer, front surface mirrors.

After having worked primarily with modern digital tools the like laser cutter and CNC on the London City Hall project in my second year of uni I decided to go all "old school" on this model. I first had to build the model digitally using Rhino to get the correct plans, as all I had were old, low resolution plans from the internet. Once I had my plans I only used manual machines like the lathe, mill and a small Proxxon circular saw.

To demonstrate the symmetry of the building I only made 1/4 of the building (one set of stairs and only two trees), placed it on a triangular base and placed it in a special front faced mirrored corner.

Unfortunately I did not have room to take the model with me when I left uni, but I have been told it now holds a place of honour in the office of the headmaster at the Arts University in Bournemouth.

Villa Rotunda

Villa Rotunda
