A sample of characters from the group show Fictionary's "All Together Now" series. "All Together Now" is an installation where the audience is invited to participate in a group writing project based on a broad series of characters. This is just 3 of 44 pieces Dani created for Fictionary. Please visit Dani's website or email for further samples.

"Nothing compares to making whimsical markson paper. With pen or pencil in hand, we’ve all made our marks. Whethersketching surroundings, dreaming-up elaborate stories or passing the time withoodles of doodles, nothing liberates our imaginations better.
What better way to celebrate the right side of the brainthan with a summer exhibition of contemporary mark making. This group showventures to the creative side of the mind. Immediacy, invention and reverie arethemes that run through Fictionary.

Ever since the invention of photography, pictorial arts haveaspired to the conditions of lens-based media. This show goes beyond the photoby exploring sketching, narrative and whimsy at its best.
This presentation will include both emerging and establishedartists showcasing their recent studio output. Artists Dani Crosby (Oshawa),Jay Dart (Port Perry), Larry Eisenstein (Toronto) and Christophe Jordache(Montreal) play outside the boundaries of creative experience. In Fictionary,their mystery narratives, streams of doodles, toilet paper animation andinteractive story-maker joyfully merge.

Fictionaryaligns with non-ordinary forms of consciousness such as trance, humour,meditation and dreams. Few straight lines appear in this free-handed andopen-ended show. Here’s a site where exuberance reigns supreme!"
- Olexander Wlasenko, Curator at Station Gallery
Fictionary Characters
small sample only


A sample of characters from the group show Fictionary's "All Together Now" series. "All Together Now" is an installation where the audience is in Read More
