I started this passion project by sitting back and thiniking about what I wanted to make. I looked at my last year's fine arts works and found an image of BB8 that I drew as my last project. I thought it would be cool to continue this and make a new work using a graphical median. On top of this, an art youtube channel I watch was having a contest for design a "leveled up" version of a well known character, meaning I could kill two birds with one stone. With that in mind I began my research, looking for things I could use as reference images to design this character.

After finding multiple images and behance posts I could be inspired from, I started to sketch out what I wanted my character to look like. I tried a couple different things but quickly became attached to the arms and legs I added to him; and drew a couple small interations of ways he could be positioned. Once I was satisfied with one of them I took the arms and legs and made a more refined drawing of what I wanted to become my final.
I used the SketchBook Express app to do the linework of this artwork and then moved it to the SketchBook app for color. I found that both of these apps did what I used them for better which is why I did what I did. This did make for some complications with my black lines being draw over when color the image. All in all I was able to get it done and am fairly satisfied with my final work.
BB8 lvl 99

BB8 lvl 99

This is an idea of what BB8 could look like at lvl 99, designed for my graphic design class.
