Akira Isogawa

" Born in Kyoto, living in Australia.
Known for his feminine and romantic fashion aesthetic,
he stays clear of revealing or figure hugging designs,
opting soft and romantic silhouettes. He likes to
incorporate traditional japanese designs into his work,
using a lot of traditional techniques and likes to draw
inspiration from Kimono designs. "

A 3D poster based on Japanese designer, Akira Isogawa. This poster was built from scratch with
wood and acrylic. The words were printed on using silkscreen and designs on the circle were
handpainted. Other materials include cloth, fake flowers, beads, spray paint and wooden sticks.
(This poster was displayed at "Sugoi Ato",
an exhibition at library@orchard)
Akira Isogawa

Akira Isogawa

Tactile Poster based on Japanese designer Akira Isogawa
