Helm AG
Industry: Chemicals Marketing
Date Completed: April 2015
Location: Concourse
Project Type: Design & Build
Size: 3,000 sqft

Helm AG is a renowned German company specialized in chemicals marketing. We partnered with Helm AG to design and build their first office in Singapore. Located at ‘The Concourse’, this 3,000 sqft office space was created to welcome the existing team and to accommodate the future expansion. This office space aims to encourage interaction between the employees, enhancing productivity through ease of circulation. We also have maximised the natural light exposure and positioned the general working area to enjoy the visual stimulation of Singapore cityscape from this 36th floor. Around the reception area, we designed timber trellis walls to separate the general working area from the main entrance, allowing privacy whilst maintaining transparency. We maximised the lighting exposure and positioned the general working area to enjoy the visual stimulation of Singapore cityscape from this 36th floor. The overall design foregrounds transparency, flexibility witin a bright and stimulating workspace.
Helm AG

Helm AG


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