Brief. Design a new A4 magazine. Invent a name for your magazine. Design a masthead for your magazine. Design a grid system for the 
cover (including spine and back) as well as a grid system that works to incorporate both set articles into well typeset spreads. 

Respond. I developed an issue of the monthly magazine ‘INC’ which is a purely design based magazine targeted at professional graphic designers and design enthusiasts. Considering this visually sophisticated audience, my cover design and spreads pay close attention to typographic detailing and innovative word-image relationships. The issue titled ‘The typography issue’ explores the key principals in historical typography from various parts of the world and also discusses the value of white space. Through a deep exploration of both Ellen Lupton’s 
‘White Space’ and Kenya Hara’s ‘Typeface & Typography’, I’ve developed a typographic based magazine which embodies universally taught 
and respected design forms.


INC Magazine

INC Magazine
