The recidivism rate in Canada for Women is 33%, Aboriginal Males is 66%, and Canadian Males is 49%. The goal of Inmate Rehabilitation is to lower the recidivism rate with a design plan to create a nurturing environment, to educate and to train inmates into “normalcy”. Canadians believe that the justice system is there to protect and serve society. They believe it is a deterrent to criminals and that it should function to punish offenders and is too lenient on them. Rehabilitation should be one, but not the major, goal of imprisonment. Rehabilitation is difficult to achieve because so many offenders are repeaters, and many are beyond rehabilitation. The desired response is to lower the recidivism rate, and for Inmates to receive respect, to be helped and to be educated. Which in turn makes them ready to be reintegrated into society and stay out of the recidivism cycle. 
The logo comes from the idea of reclaiming your brain from the action or addictionthat is burdening the people who have are in or have been released from jail. The logo is quite literal with the side profile of the human face, which everyone can relate to and the brain which makes do the things they do.
Receive a warm welcome from Reclaim once you arrive to your incarceration, your planner is there for you. Inmates are given one every month. All are different depending how long your sentence is. Reclaim is an introspective journal, it is a journey about finding yourself and how to change. It is a monthly and weekly calendar to help track your progress, asks introspective questions, and stay organized. Instilling normalcy into ones life.
Start your process with a questionnaire so Reclaim App can get to know you. Keep track or parole meetings and activities to do instead of your action or addiction you’re trying to correct. Choose from a set list of distractions when you feel like doing your action or addiction. If you don’t complete it within an hour your parole officer will be notified. Instead of doing the act which got incarcerated chose from a list a substitutes, and decide how many times you want to do them in a week, month, year.


